Fast facts:
  • Silicon Valley born & raised
  • University of Oregon
    - Vice President of Student Government
    - Major in Public Relations; Minor in Business
    - Graduated in 3 years (2016)
    - Dean's List, Honorary Awards & Friars Society accolades
  • ICF-Accredited Coach trained under the prestigious CoActive Training Institute
  • Experience working for non-profits, tech startups, small businesses, international companies, entrepreneurs in both consumer & regulated industries
  • ENFJ (same as Oprah - no big deal)
  • Pisces Sun with 4 Planets in Capricorn
  • Resume

Take a peek at my faves ↓

I'm Claire, your friendly new business BFF.

Click the photos to learn about the keys to my work-life balance.

My essentials

Over the years, I have helped to fundraise an accumulated $140,000+ for important causes.


Not much is more important to me than taking care of the planet. After all, she takes care of me, too.

Fresh air

I've stewarded a flock of chickens + ducks, & practiced growing my own food since 2018.


Venture to uncharted lands. Savor a new flavor. Learn a new language – even if you stumble your words along the way.


Essential. My adventure cat, Avalon, knows her assignment.

Cat Cuddles

Integrity is the North Star.
Stay in alignment with your values every step of the way.

There's always a solution.
You just haven't found it yet.

The energy behind what you do is foundational for your actions to be successful. Really.

I believe:




See for yourself–
My best work is in the portfolio.
