My background in external + internal communications,
expertly blended with extensive experience in coaching & social work,
grants me a unique position to help you serve the people that matter most:
your customers, audience, press, employees, and hey– yourself too.

Communications & support for the people.
Yes, all of them.

"Refreshing is an understatement. While Claire certainly gets the work done (often before deadlines), she also reminds us how to be a real human again in the process. She taught me that the energy & intentions behind the work we do is paramount. It's changed the game for me."

"Claire changed the way I do business."

"Claire approaches interactions with care, patience, and awareness of other’s needs, and navigates
conversations with peers as well as folks in positions of power with similar ease. She possesses innate
active listening skills- allowing her to listen, support, and respond to individual and community needs. "

"A rare combination of intellect & compassion"

"Never in my life have I seen her generalize an individual or population, because she knows how to see & approach each person as their own autonomous being. I could not think of anyone better to work with."

"We need more people like her in these fields."


As Seen In:

Ever met a contractor / consultant that offers flexible rates depending on the type of business you run? Now you have.

Equity, inclusion & accessibility are essential business practices in my book.
& This is just one way I do that.

Let's connect →

Approachability is the foundation of my work.
Let's chat.

Business development for the heart-centered entrepreneurs on a mission


1:1 coaching to elevate your business, leadership capacity, & personal well-being


Amplify your brand + voice through personal & professional development


a step further

coming soon